Child Support

We put proven technology and processes to work for the
families who count on you.”

Landis Rossi, Practice Lead, Child Support
Landis Rossi

Child Support

It’s important that your child support program uses resources efficiently to implement high-impact solutions that support your mission. CSG helps you maximize your child support capabilities using program modernization strategies based on best practices and practical experience.

CSG'S Expertise in Action

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Nevada's NVKIDS System Modernization Project

Carson City
Carson City

The Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS), Child Support Enforcement Program oversees more than 200,000 child support cases per year. To improve the delivery of services and operational efficiency, DWSS is replacing its aging child support system with a modern system (NVKIDS) designed to meet the needs of the program and help ensure Nevada's children and families have the financial and medical support they need to be happy and healthy.


DWSS selected CSG to provide PMO and OCM services. CSG assures the system implementation achieves the State’s goals, including flexibility to adapt to changing business needs, upgrade of aging legacy system architectures, increased cost efficiency, and support of federal performance measures that can lead to increased incentive funds.

CSG develops and executes a comprehensive, integrated project management plan including project governance, communications, risk and issue management, requirements validation and management, training support, and master project schedule management. CSG also developed and executes an OCM plan, mentors and coaches state leaders and staff, and identifies and manages user resistance to the new system.

DWSS is committed to its mission of providing quality services that enable Nevada families to achieve their highest levels of self-sufficiency. CSG’s robust team helps assure the State’s objectives are achieved.

Texas’ Child Support System Modernization


The Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is responsible for the operation and management of the State’s child support program, the largest such program in the United States. The program collects more than $4.4 billion annually and serves approximately one of every four children in Texas. OAG is modernizing its child support enforcement system to meet increasing customer service demands, manage growing and changing caseloads, improve automation of processes, and attract and retain a changing workforce.

IV&V by CSG SM in an Agile Environment

OAG contracted with CSG to provide full life cycle IV&V services for its child support system modernization project, which uses an Agile methodology. The CSG team observes project activities, conducts interviews, and provides objective assessments throughout Discovery, Sprint, Release, and Maintenance activities. Our team applies child support and technical expertise to identify risks and issues, proactively communicating with project leadership to identify avoidance and mitigation strategies and propose solutions. CSG also produces quarterly IV&V reports and presents project information to agency and OCSS representatives.

Texas is working to create a system that will serve its children and families well into the future. CSG is here to support the state in achieving its objectives.

Illinois' Child Support System Modernization


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Division of Child Support Services, administers child support services to more than 440,000 families across the State. The agency is executing the Child Support Automation and Innovation for Modernization Project to update its aging technology platform and keep pace with the dynamic needs of contemporary child support programs.


DCSS engaged CSG to provide QA services to ensure the quality and accuracy of documentation and processes throughout the life cycle of the child support system implementation. The CSG team established QA processes and developed customized templates and checklists based on industry standards and best practices to ensure the project results in the development of a new IT system that meets DCSS’ objectives.

CSG’s QA team applies child support program and technical expertise across all aspects of the project, including quality reviews of vendor deliverables, requirements traceability, security analysis, development of federal certification materials and all other QA-related tasks.

DCSS is upgrading its technology to best serve the needs of Illinois’ children and families. CSG is here to ensure the system achieves the State’s goals

Virginia’s Child Support System Modernization


The Virginia Department of Social Services, Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE), administers the Commonwealth’s child support program, collecting more than $650 million in child support annually to serve nearly 350,000 children. DCSE’s legacy system is nearly 30 years old, the second oldest in the country. This system interfaces with TANF, SNAP, Child Welfare, and Medicaid systems to accept referrals, complete intake, and conduct case management. With the full support of agency leadership, DCSE launched the Child Support System Modernization Project to implement a modern, cloud-hosted system and create process efficiencies.


Virginia selected CSG to provide PMO and OCM services for the modernization. CSG developed and is executing a Project Management Plan, monitoring and overseeing project governance, integration, scope, schedule, communication, finances, risk, and stakeholder engagement. Our team serves as a liaison between Commonwealth staff and the implementation vendor, monitoring project progress against the planned schedule while ensuring the new system meets requirements and objectives. Additionally, we provide an OCM team that assesses the readiness of DCSE staff for change, develops an OCM plan, and works with the Commonwealth to execute the plan, including developing communications for all stakeholders.

Virginia is committed to modernizing its child support system to support program success and serve the needs of the Commonwealth’s children and families. CSG is here to help Virginia achieve its strategic goals.

Wisconsin's Child Support System Modernization


The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) administers the State’s child support program in partnership with county child support agencies that provide services at the local level. DCF launched the Child Support Modernization (CSM) Project to replace the legacy system and leverage new tools to deliver efficient and high-quality service to Wisconsin’s children and families. The new child support system provides modern technology and automation, along with reporting and data analytics designed to support modern business processes, to meet the ongoing and diverse needs of the child support program.


CSG is providing QA services for the CSM Project, leading the effort to ensure vendor deliverables and project processes align with and adhere to industry standards and best practices for software development and project management. CSG is developing and executing a quality management plan and performing ongoing quality assurance, quality control, and system testing to ensure the new system meets state and federal requirements. We also support the development and implementation of an approach to preventing and resolving findings from the Independent Verification and Validation vendor.

Wisconsin is modernizing its child support system to better serve children and families across the State. CSG is here to assist DCF in achieving its goals.

Child Support System Modernization in Connecticut


The Connecticut Department of Social Services, Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) launched a project to replace the State’s legacy child support system. OCSS is implementing a modernized solution that improves the delivery of services to customers by enhancing automation, offering customer self-service options, and utilizing data analytics and business intelligence to prioritize case work.


Connecticut selected CSG to provide Quality Assurance services throughout the project life cycle to support the implementation of a high-quality child support system that meets the State’s goals and objectives. The CSG QA team establishes standards and guidelines as tools to assess the quality of project processes and vendor deliverables while ensuring compliance with State and federal requirements. Our team conducts thorough quality reviews of DDI vendor deliverables, supports the development and adherence to effective project processes, and provides recommendations for improvement based on business and technical expertise and lessons learned from child support system modernization projects across the country.

Connecticut is committed to utilizing modern technology to further program success and serve the needs of the State’s children and families. CSG is working with OCSS to ensure the project and the new system achieve these goals.

Child Support IT System Modernization in Alaska


The Alaska Department of Revenue, Child Support Services Division (CSSD), collects and distributes over $83 million in child support payments annually. To support the program’s continued growth, CSSD is modernizing its legacy child support system, WinSTAR, as part of the Alaska Modernization Project.


CSSD selected CSG to provide Quality Assurance services throughout the design, development, and implementation of its modernized child support system. The CSG team reviews vendor deliverables and processes ensuring adherence to quality standards and best practices for software development and project management. In addition, our team supports user acceptance testing and provides guidance and expertise related to federal system certification.

CSSD is dedicated to delivering a modernized system that efficiently supports Alaska’s children and families. CSG is here to help assure the State’s program meets these objectives.

Child Support Program Modernization in Indiana


The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) administers child support, child protection, adoption, and foster care throughout the State of Indiana. To better serve children and families, DCS is implementing the Indiana Verification and Enforcement of Support System (INvest), an automated child support enforcement system to improve the delivery of child support services through increased automation, enhanced data quality and security, and advanced technology architecture. DCS is using an Agile implementation approach to accelerate the replacement of its legacy systems.

QA by CSG SM for Agile

DCS selected CSG to provide QA services to help reduce risks and assure a high level of quality is planned, assessed, and maintained throughout the INvest system modernization effort. Prior to the onboarding of a system vendor, the team established a Governance Manual and templates to align with the Child Support modernization project and the Agile development approach. CSG’s experienced QA project team, proven quality management methodologies, and TeamCSG℠ tools assured INvest governance processes and standards were well-defined, implemented and adhered to; project performance was accurately tracked and reported; and all project activities efficiently supported DCS’ business objectives. CSG also conducted independent testing, security assessments, and reviews data conversion, interface planning, quality, and integration.

Indiana is dedicated to providing excellent support to the children and families of Indiana. CSG’s QA services help the State meet its objectives and maximize its return on investment.

Modernizing Virginia’s Child Support System


The Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS), Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE), is responsible for administering the child support program, collecting more than $650 million in child support annually to serve nearly 280,000 cases and 350,000 children across the Commonwealth. DCSE’s legacy system, the Automated Program to Enforce Child Support (APECS), is nearly 30 years old, the second oldest in the country. This system interfaces with TANF, SNAP, Child Welfare, and Medicaid systems to accept referrals, complete intake, and conduct case management. With the full support of agency leadership, DSS launched the Child Support System Modernization Project to implement a modern, cloud-hosted system and create process efficiencies.

Strategy by CSG SM

DSS engaged CSG to provide strategy and planning services to ensure a comprehensive plan for the implementation of their modernized child support system. Together, the CSG and DSS teams completed and received OCSS approval for one of the first streamlined feasibility studies, submitted the PAPD and IAPD to OCSS, and developed the RFP for the system implementation vendor in just over seven months. Our team prepared DSS for the next phase of the project by providing readiness activities such as Organizational Change Management, project management planning, identification and consolidation of forms and reports, stakeholder engagement including interface planning, and data clean-up.

DSS is committed to delivering a child support system that serves Virginia’s children and families well into the future. CSG is supporting the Commonwealth with this important work and in achieving this goal.

Child Support System Modernization in Georgia


The Georgia Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) is conducting a feasibility study to assess its legacy Child Support System and peripheral systems, including the customer online services portal, data warehouse, and mobile app. The goal is to improve service delivery and best meet the needs of children and families in Georgia.

CSG’s Efficient Approach to a Child Support Feasibility Study

DCSS selected CSG to conduct a Feasibility Study, including an Alternatives Analysis and a Cost Benefit Analysis, based on our proven ability to complete a high-quality Feasibility Study in just nine months. The CSG team applied lessons learned in other states and deployed TeamCSGSM Child Support Modernization tools to support effective-decision making for modernizing the legacy child support system and ensure the State complies with OCSS guidelines. The CSG team also developed a Modernization Roadmap and DDI Readiness Plan to enable DCSS to build on the momentum generated by the Feasibility Study.

Georgia is committed to modernizing their child support system to effectively and efficiently serve as a tool to assist in the collection of essential monies needed to support children and families. CSG is partnering with DCSS to ensure the State achieves its strategic goals.

Child Support Modernization in Oregon


The Oregon Child Support Program is a partnership between the Oregon Department of Justice and county District Attorneys' Offices designed to enhance the well-being of children by providing child support services to families. To improve program efficiency and meet the needs of the people who depend on these services, DOJ implemented a new IT system (ORIGIN) that provides enhanced user and customer experiences.


Oregon selected CSG to provide independent QA services to support the successful execution of their Child Support System Project and implementation of ORIGIN. CSG developed a comprehensive Quality Management Plan, conducted quality reviews of vendor deliverables, provided code reviews, and security assessments. In addition, CSG provided ongoing quality assessment and project performance reporting through monthly and quarterly reports. CSG used its proven TeamCSGSM QA tools to provide in-depth risk assessment and testing services throughout the implementation.

Oregon is committed to making sure every child receives the financial support they deserve. CSG is here to help build the systems that support that mission.

Arizona Division of Child Support Services Feasibility Study


The Arizona Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) collects over $700 million a year, providing services for more than 320,000 families. In an effort to increase child support collections and improve child support enforcement processing throughout the State, DCSS is modernizing its Arizona Tracking and Locate System (ATLAS) for child support services.

Strategy by CSG SM

DCSS selected CSG through a formal solicitation process to assist in developing a modernization roadmap and analyzing alternatives to enhance or replace ATLAS. CSG conducted a Feasibility Study including business process reengineering, requirements definition, alternatives analysis, and a formal Cost Benefit Analysis following OCSS' requirements for child support system modernization. CSG also developed Scope of Work documents for Arizona’s DDI and IV&V procurements.

CSG and DCSS completed the Feasibility Study in 9 months. The State received OCSS approval in March 2018.

Arizona is committed to advancing the technology, data security, and decision support functions of ATLAS to better support the families who depend on them. CSG is there to help.

South Dakota's Child Support Modernization


The South Dakota Department of Social Services (DSS), Division of Child Support, is replacing its legacy child support enforcement system with a modernized system that will create opportunities for predictive analytics, business intelligence, and quality data-driven outcomes. The system is being developed in alignment with the agency’s Information Systems Roadmap to ensure continuity for users, including customers and state staff, across DSS programs.

CSG’s Industry Leading Feasibility Study Development Approach

CSG applied our industry leading approach to efficiently develop a comprehensive Feasibility Study for South Dakota’s Child Support System Replacement Planning project, including completing a full OCSS-compliant Feasibility Study and Cost Benefit Analysis in ten months.

The CSG team developed an As-Is needs assessment, a To-Be analysis, business and technology requirements, business process and work flow diagrams, and use cases to ensure alignment to South Dakota’s business needs. CSG worked collaboratively with DSS to assess solution options through an Alternatives Analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis. CSG also supported DSS in the preparation and submittal of the PAPD and IAPD funding documentation for OCSS approval.

DSS is working to create an efficient, effective, and customer-friendly system to serve South Dakota’s families. CSG is here to help the State achieve its vision.

Maryland Child Support Program Modernization


The Maryland Department of Human Resources, Child Support Enforcement Administration (CSEA) serves over 220,000 families through 24 county programs. In order to provide the highest quality services for Maryland families and continue to increase performance on federal indicators for additional funding, CSEA launched a modernization effort focused on program performance and efficiency.

CSG’s Business Process Reengineering for Performance Improvement

CSEA engaged CSG to provide business process reengineering focusing on performance improvement. Applying child support expertise and industry best practices, CSG assisted CSEA in developing and implementing a Business Process Reengineering Plan to streamline workflows and processes. The CSG team also implemented a Performance Improvement Plan, which increased CSEA’s performance on federal indicators in targeted areas.

The State of Maryland is committed to providing efficient, high-impact child support services to the children and families who depend on them. CSG is there to help.

Enterprise Project Management Office in Indiana


The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) administers child support, child protection, adoption, and foster care throughout the State of Indiana. To better serve children and families, DCS is implemented an enterprise PMO to manage their portfolio of IT projects across the agency


DCS contracted with CSG to establish an Enterprise PMO. This included developing an effective governance model and establishing portfolio management processes related to assets, resources, change control, release management, and other project functions.

CSG provided project management and business analysis expertise for establishing the new PMO. The CSG PMO team mentored bureau project managers, developed staffing and scheduling plans, and provided recommendations for bureau-wide organizational assessments. The new project management processes created consistent reporting, procedures, and governance across all DCS projects. The CSG PMO team also led training for agency staff on the new portfolio and PMO processes.

Indiana is committed to the efficient and effective management of State IT projects. CSG assures the State has the processes in place for successful modernization projects.

Illinois' Child Support Modernization


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) administers the State’s child support program, providing services to over 500,000 families. To more effectively provide these services, HFS has launched a project to modernize its statewide Child Support Information System.

Strategy by CSG SM

HFS selected CSG to guide this critical strategic planning initiative. CSG analyzed the existing systems and business processes, leveraging our innovative TeamCSG℠ Child Support Maturity Model to identify targeted modernization objectives for the program. We also conducted a system Feasibility Study and formal Cost Benefit Analysis aligned with the Office of Child Support Enforcement requirements.

The resulting comprehensive modernization plan supports HFS’ goals of improving service access and delivery, coordinating programs, increasing operational efficiency, ensuring program integrity, and enhancing data-based decision making.

Together, CSG and HFS are working to ensure Illinois provides the most effective and efficient child support services to the children and families who depend on them.

Enterprise Transformation in Oklahoma

Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services provides a wide variety of assistance programs to help Oklahomans in need. The agency is working to establish an approach across three separate and distinct divisions – Child Support Enforcement, Family Support Services, and Children and Family Services programs.

Business Process Reengineering for Enterprise Modernization

DHS engaged CSG to upgrade the agency's information technology architecture to more effectively support the State's human services programs, integrating fragmented IT systems and business processes into a single architecture. The CSG team documented the As-Is business processes for each business unit and produced documentation of the systems environment. The team determined replacement or preservation strategies, priority, and fit of each system with the To-Be state of the business architecture. CSG documented gaps in the business processes and supporting technologies in use at the agency, and proposed solutions options based on our expertise and first-hand knowledge of industry best practices.

Oklahoma is working to improve customer service and improve program flexibility to best serve the children and families of the State. CSG helps the State achieve its enterprise vision.

Illinois Court Order Interface Project


An important component of Illinois’ Child Support Modernization Plan is the Court Order Interface project, a collaboration between the Illinois Division of Child Support Services and local County Circuit Clerks to electronically exchange court order data. The State is using the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), a standards-based approach to exchanging information, to streamline the electronic exchange of court order data.

CSG Provides NIEM Expertise

CSG provided project management and information exchange expertise to help Illinois increase interoperability between state and county governments, improve accuracy of court order data, safeguard personal information, and increase the speed and timeliness of child support collections and disbursements.

Illinois is leading the nation as one of the first states with independent court case management systems to attempt such a modernization. This project increased communication and partnership between the courts and child support and serves as the foundation for future data exchanges.

Illinois is dedicated to improving outcomes for families in the State who depend on timely execution of child support orders. CSG is here to help meet this goal.


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