Services & Expertise
Modernizing complex government programs to improve services
At CSG, we provide strategy, planning, and project assurance services within seven core areas of expertise: Healthcare and Human Services (HHS), Child Welfare, Child Support, Unemployment Insurance (UI), Workers’ Compensation, Motor Vehicle, and Revenue/Tax.
Whether you’re assessing modernization options or are well underway with a new system implementation, our team is prepared with the knowledge and tools needed to support even the most complex government system modernization projects.

CSG’s Expertise in Action
Operational Readiness Support for Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Modernization
The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, Unemployment Insurance Agency is engaged in a complex, multi-year effort to implement a new unemployment insurance (UI) tax and benefits solution, known as…
IV&V for Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Solution Implementation
Michigan’s Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, Unemployment Insurance Agency (LEO-UIA) administers the unemployment insurance program that provides temporary financial assistance to the State’s workforce and collects unemployment taxes from…
Project Management for Missouri’s Child Support System Modernization
The Missouri Department of Social Services, Family Support Division (FSD), administers the State’s child support program, overseeing more than 280,000 cases statewide. To keep its Missouri Automated Child Support System…
Illinois Tollway Project Management, Planning, and Oversight Services
The Illinois Tollway is a user-fee system that receives no state or federal funds for maintenance and operations of 294 miles of interstate tollways in 12 counties in Northern Illinois….
IV&V for Colorado’s License and ID Card Modernization
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) provides identification, driver, and vehicle services to the State’s more than 3 million licensed drivers. In order to provide their citizens with the…
QA Services to Support Oregon’s DMV Service Transformation Program
The Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division (DMV) plays a crucial role in driver safety, protection of financial ownership interests in vehicles, and collection of revenue to finance Oregon’s…
UI Feasibility Study for the Southeast Consortium
The states of Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia (the Southeast Consortium) launched a collaborative effort to modernize their UI systems. Strategy by CSGSM The Southeast Consortium, led by…
IV&V Services to Support the WyCAN UI Consortium
The states of Wyoming, Colorado, and Arizona (the WyCAN Consortium) joined in a collaborative effort to modernize their UI Tax and Benefits systems. IV&V by CSG SM The Consortium, led by…
Contracting with CSG
CSG is dedicated to helping our clients implement modern systems for the benefit of everyone who depends on public services. It can be difficult keeping up with enhanced federal funding requirements, ever-changing regulations, staffing challenges, and evolving technologies. That’s where we come in. Our team is composed of experts in the industries they serve, with real-world experience facing the same challenges your organization faces today.