
CSG is a national leader in helping state governments modernize critical program enterprises. Following are recent publications and presentations our experts have worked with industry leading organizations to develop.

Robin Dufresne Showcases Expertise on Top Consultant Podcast

Robin Dufresne was featured on the Top Consultant podcast, showcasing her thought leadership in public sector consulting. In this episode, Robin shares her perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in government program modernization, reinforcing CSG's position as a trusted advisor within the public sector. Her insights highlight how our consulting services support the implementation of new technology to achieve efficiencies and improve effectiveness in the delivery of public sector services.

View Robin Dufresne Showcases Expertise on Top Consultant Podcast

Governing Case Study: How One HHS Agency is Modernizing Through Challenging Times

CSG Government Solutions and the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Human Services were recently featured in a Governing case study. Like many HHS agencies across the country, the USVI has operated with legacy systems built on aging technology and manual processes. The USVI has leveraged CSG's expertise to establish an enterprise-wide PMO to help advance the Integrated Eligibility System project through challenging times including unprecedented hurricanes and the COVID pandemic.

View Governing Case Study: How One HHS Agency is Modernizing Through Challenging Times

Governing Interview: How PMO Services are Supporting Successful Program Modernization Projects

Professional project management and related services are essential to reduce business and operational risks when implementing new technologies and complex business systems. In this Governing interview, Michael Collisi, a Vice President in the Healthcare and Human Services Practice at CSG Government Solutions, shares why a PMO is valuable, how a PMO supports and complements state staff, and how to select and engage an effective PMO vendor.

View Governing Interview: How PMO Services are Supporting Successful Program Modernization Projects

MESC Presentation: We Are Living in A Modular World

This session was presented at the 2023 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference. CSG and speakers from Georgia, New Mexico, Idaho, and Arizona discuss how they used the National Association of State Procurement Officials contract, as well as more traditional state procurement processes, to procure system and service vendors to replace their existing MMIS’ with multiple modules and vendor partners.

View MESC Presentation: We Are Living in A Modular World

HIT Connect Plenary Presentation: Developing Meaningful Outcomes for Modular Implementations

This session was presented at the 2022 Healthcare IT Connect Summit. CSG, CMS, and state speakers from Georgia and Kentucky discuss how these states develop outcomes specific to their project by module. Topics include how these outcomes are traced from the APD and initial planning processes and then are measured through design, development, and implementation and into operations.

View HIT Connect Plenary Presentation: Developing Meaningful Outcomes for Modular Implementations

HIT Connect Presentation: Find a Comfortable Cyber Security Posture

This session was presented at the 2022 Healthcare IT Connect Summit. CSG and state speakers from Arizona, Massachusetts, and Mississippi discuss lessons learned and best practices for developing an effective cyber security posture and securing your SDLC. Topics include adapting to an ever-changing threat environment, methods to maximize the value of security assessment activities, and approaches to implement safeguards on the potential for production vulnerabilities.

View HIT Connect Presentation: Find a Comfortable Cyber Security Posture

NCSEA Web Talk: Optimizing Your Child Support System Modernization

Hosted by the National Child Support Enforcement Association, CSG and state partners from Alaska, Indiana, Oregon, and South Dakota discussed strategic factors impacting child support agencies as they begin to modernize IT systems. Topics include the impacts of OCSE’s streamlined feasibility study, potential benefits and trade-offs of solution alternatives including transfer systems and replatforming/refactoring, and best practices and lessons learned from states in various stages of their child support system modernization projects. This event and the recording are limited to the public sector.

View NCSEA Web Talk: Optimizing Your Child Support System Modernization

Client Briefings

Our Client Briefings are developed within the CSG Centers of Excellence, incorporating research and our real-world experience to provide our clients with insights on important developments affecting state government programs. Click here to request access to these briefings.

Effective Practices for Managing Vendor Performance on System Modernization Projects

Government IT system modernization projects are complex efforts that are often high risk due to their large scope and budgets, the draw on already limited state resources, and the multi-vendor environment. This briefing offers insights on establishing vendor management processes to effectively manage performance, while achieving overall project goals and objectives and ensuring vendor accountability and compliance with contract terms and conditions.

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Organizational Change Management for Unemployment Insurance Programs

Applying Organizational Change Management can help UI programs navigate changes in systems, business processes, and organizational structure. State UI programs are currently addressing an unprecedented amount of change. Whether you’re navigating the impacts of the pandemic, such as historic claim volumes or changes in federal policy; implementing a new tax or benefits system; using SBR funds; or establishing a new organizational structure within the UI division – applying OCM is a best practice for all UI modernization efforts.

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Organizational Change Management for HHS Programs

Applying Organizational Change Management (OCM) can help HHS programs manage the impacts of implementing new systems, business processes, policy changes, and organizational structures. This document provides information on CSG’s OCM framework and best practices for applying OCM principles to HHS modernization projects.

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Project Management Office (PMO) in a Modular Environment

The complexity of implementing modular technology underscores the need for disciplined portfolio, program, and project management and structured governance. A scalable PMO provides strategic coordination across multiple modular vendor projects, from pre-planning through implementation, stabilization, and certification. This document is published by CSG Government Solutions to provide an overview of the role of a Project Management Office (PMO) in modular Medicaid Enterprise System (MES) environments.

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Streamlined Modular Certification

Streamlined Modular Certification (SMC) simplifies the certification process from the current MECL framework and focuses on whether the MMIS achieves the desired outcomes post-implementation. This document is published by CSG to provide our clients with an overview of the SMC process that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) outlined in guidance issued in 2022 and to explain what SMC will mean for states’ Medicaid systems modernization projects.

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Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Final Rule

The CCWIS Final Rule was published by the Administration for Children and Families to provide guidance to states modernizing the child welfare solutions, encouraging the use of advanced technology and modular solutions to improve system efficiency. This document provides an overview of the Final Rule and key requirements to receive federal funding.

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Organizational Change Management (OCM) for Child Support Programs

Applying OCM can help child support staff through complex systemic changes such as an IT system modernization project or major policy change. By incorporating OCM, child support programs build a common understanding of the need for change and generate excitement for the results that the change brings to the organization. This document provides information on CSG’s OCM framework and best practices for applying OCM principles to child support modernization projects.

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Optimizing Your Child Support System Modernization

Advancements in child support IT make now the right time to start planning for new technologies that offer enhanced customer service, provide better data for informed decision making, create opportunities to increase program performance and federal incentive payments, and most importantly, deliver the financial support that many children and families rely on every day. This document is published by CSG to provide our state partners with information to help formulate a strategy for the modernization of aging child support IT systems.

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Developing Your Child Support Program Strategic Roadmap

A Strategic Roadmap defines the goals and objectives that move a child support program toward its vision while prioritizing initiatives and aligning resources across the organization. This document provides our state partners with five key steps to developing and executing a Child Support Program Strategic Roadmap.

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Program Expertise Brochures

CSG serves as an expert and trusted advisor in planning, managing, and assuring the quality of complex program modernization projects. Download our brochures to learn more.

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