Quality Assurance

Consulting Service

Achieve your program objectives with a structured approach to QA

CSG deploys highly experienced teams and innovative methods, knowledge, and tools to assure that complex projects are completed on time and achieve your program objectives. Our quality assurance methodologies are based on industry standards and best practices, and provide a structured approach to quality management, quality assurance, quality control, testing, and operations/maintenance.

Male CSG employee typing on laptop in a conference room

Quality Assurance

To assure project activities and deliverables produce high quality outcomes throughout the system modernization life cycle, our team of experts focus on risk identification, analysis, and mitigation.

Quality Control

Our QC services identify and correct deficiencies in project artifacts and processes by monitoring and reviewing work products to assure compliance with quality standards and acceptance criteria.

Testing Support

CSG’s testing experts have the know-how to establish effective testing strategies, develop thorough plans including test cases, scripts, and expected results, and efficiently prepare and support your end user teams through the testing process.

Independent Testing

CSG has the know-how to establish effective independent testing strategies, including sampling and other targeted testing approaches, develop independent testing plans including test cases, scripts, and expected results, and efficiently execute and report independent testing results.

Privacy and Security

CSG helps you manage the risk associated with privacy and security of systems and personal information. Our experts are versed in best practices for guarding electronically protected health information and other personal data. We provide guidance on proven approaches, processes, and operating procedures to ensure you stay ahead of technological advances and evolving threats.

Operations and Maintenance Oversight

Well-managed operations and stable production environments characterize CSG’s O&M services. We assure effective on-going requirements and change management processes; well-managed testing, staging, and production environments; thorough monitoring of service-level agreements; and the on-going integration of modular components.

See it in Action

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