Comprehensive PMO and OCM Services for Virginia’s Child Support System Modernization

The Virginia Department of Social Services, Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE), administers the Commonwealth’s child support program, collecting more than $650 million in child support annually to serve nearly 350,000 children. DCSE’s legacy system is nearly 30 years old, the second oldest in the country. This system interfaces with TANF, SNAP, Child Welfare, and Medicaid systems to accept referrals, complete intake, and conduct case management. With the full support of agency leadership, DCSE launched the Child Support System Modernization Project to implement a modern, cloud-hosted system and create process efficiencies.


Virginia selected CSG to provide PMO and OCM services for the modernization. CSG developed and is executing a Project Management Plan, monitoring and overseeing project governance, integration, scope, schedule, communication, finances, risk, and stakeholder engagement. Our team serves as a liaison between Commonwealth staff and the implementation vendor, monitoring project progress against the planned schedule while ensuring the new system meets requirements and objectives. Additionally, we provide an OCM team that assesses the readiness of DCSE staff for change, develops an OCM plan, and works with the Commonwealth to execute the plan, including developing communications for all stakeholders.

Richmond, Virginia

Virginia is committed to modernizing its child support system to support program success and serve the needs of the Commonwealth’s children and families. CSG is here to help Virginia achieve its strategic goals.

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