UI Modernization Planning Support in North Dakota

Job Service of North Dakota (JSND) provides customer-focused services to meet the current and emerging workforce needs of the State. To more effectively produce these services, JSND launched a project to modernize its UI program. JSND sought a modernization approach that realistically addressed budget appropriations, staffing levels, and technology constraints that define the environment for a major initiative of this kind.

CSG’s UI Modernization Planning Support

JSND selected CSG to help develop a plan for this important effort. CSG analyzed the State’s current UI system, including major business processes and technology architectures, and leveraged our knowledge of UI modernization best practices to develop a project vision for the future and a roadmap for achieving JSND’s automation objectives.

Bismarck, North Dakota

JSND is increasing the value and efficiency of their UI services for the State’s workers and employers. CSG helped them achieve their goals.

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