The Missouri Department of Social Services’ MO HealthNet Division (MHD) has been operating its current MMIS for over 30 years, processing over 99 million claims from over 49,000 providers per year. In order to provide the most effective support to the people they serve, MHD launched a major initiative to improve the administration of the Medicaid program across the entire Medicaid enterprise.
Strategic Planning and Procurement Support
MHD selected CSG to develop a comprehensive strategy and provide procurement support for this strategic initiative. The CSG team assessed the alignment of MHD’s business functions and systems with the CMS’ Seven Conditions and Standards and MITA 3.0 Framework, led visioning sessions with project stakeholders, and produced a MITA SS-A to determine key enhancement efforts. CSG also worked closely with the State to assess the availability of modular solutions, analyze the current vendor landscape, and leverage our experience with CMS and other states to assist MHD in defining an enterprise wide modernization strategy. We then provided requirements definition and procurement support for the RFP process to procure the most efficient and cost effective MMIS.