The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) oversees the State’s Medicaid program providing healthcare coverage to nearly 3.8 million Floridians. To enhance and integrate its MMIS and Decision Support System (DSS) capabilities, the State has launched a major initiative to modernize its Medicaid enterprise.
Strategic Planning and Procurement Support
AHCA selected CSG to facilitate development of the modernization strategy, conduct requirements development, and provide vendor solicitation, evaluation, and selection support throughout the MMIS/DSS procurement process. CSG conducted a gap analysis of the State’s MITA SS-A and MMIS/DSS to identify areas for system improvements, and conducted sessions to update Florida’s MITA 3.0 SS-A. We utilized our MMIS Landscape tool to assist AHCA in identifying states with similar MMIS modernization plans and leveraged our MMIS Alternatives Assessment Matrix and Cost Benefit Analysis tools to compare solutions and make recommendations that best fit their modernization needs.
CSG also applied our set of MMIS baseline requirements to assist the State in creating custom requirements for the technical and operational aspects of its solicitation, and supported the development of Fiscal Agent requirements, solicitation evaluation criteria, and vendor evaluation training for State staff.