The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is implementing a CCWIS-compliant solution to modernize their technology ecosystem in a phased approach, beginning with the intake, investigations, and case management functional modules. The State is also building foundational enterprise architecture components for the new system.
CSG is providing IV&V services for Florida’s CCWIS implementation to ensure the project is executed successfully, on schedule, and within budget. We observe, monitor, and report on the progress of the project, providing objective observations and recommendations to mitigate project risks and improve processes. The CSG team assesses all aspects of the project including system requirements, design documentation, security, data, and infrastructure. CSG is also performing independent testing and quality assurance services, adding an additional layer of testing to verify and validate the solution delivered by the CCWIS vendor is fully functional, stable, and secure. Throughout the project, CSG ensures that DCF considers, addresses, and incorporates requirements for CCWIS compliance established by the Administration for Children and Families.