The New Mexico Human Services Department is implementing a modular MMIS to efficiently administer the State’s Medicaid program to its more than 800,000 recipients. As part of this effort, HSD is ensuring the project remains in compliance with CMS guidelines and that all RFPs for MMIS modules comply with MITA.
CSG Helps Align Modular MMIS Procurements with MITA
As the current MMIS Replacement IV&V vendor, CSG was also contracted by HSD to conduct an annual MITA 3.0 State Self-Assessment update. CSG analyzed existing MITA documentation, As-Is processes, and RFPs and produced detailed To-Be processes to enable the State to show progress in its 5-year MITA Roadmap and update its MITA SS-A package. CSG also produced To-Be processes for use in future module RFPs to illustrate the State’s vision and provide clarity for potential bidders.