Procurement Support and PMO for Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Benefit System Modernization

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) administers employment services to the Commonwealth’s 6.4 million workers and almost 300,000 employers. In an effort to improve services, DLI has launched a strategic initiative to modernize its Unemployment Compensation (UC) Benefits System.

Procurement Support and PMO by CSG SM

DLI selected CSG to provide procurement support and PMO services throughout the UC Benefits System implementation. CSG analyzed existing systems and workflows, developed the project strategy and technology roadmap, and gathered business and technical requirements to develop an RFP. CSG also established a full-service PMO and is providing technical oversight, UC subject matter expertise, requirements management, and testing support throughout the program modernization.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

DLI is committed to delivering timely and accurate UC benefits to Pennsylvania’s unemployed workers. CSG is here to help the commonwealth achieve its program modernization goals.

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