Nancy Peterson, CSG REALizeSM Development Manager; Ann Walsworth, Practice Director, CSG Tech



CSG REALizeSM is our proprietary library of knowledge, methods, and tools built from CSG’s real-world experience and industry research. The entire CSG REALizeSM library of high-quality artifacts resides in a custom-built app, allowing every CSG employee instant access to the accumulated knowledge and experience of our organization.

CSG REALize(SM) tablet


Every CSG employee has instant access to the entire CSG REALizeSM library through a custom-built app.

The CSG REALizeSM library contains over 1,000 high-quality artifacts including guides, program overviews, at-a-glance industry research and white papers, baseline system requirements, sample work products, training materials, and many other artifacts that maximize the quality of CSG’s services and the productivity of our project teams.

TeamCSGSM Tools

CSG deploys our automated suite of high-value TeamCSGSM tools on all of our CSG projects. These integrated tools maximize the quality of CSG’s services and the productivity of our teams. Our tools incorporate CSG’s accumulated knowledge and experience on similar projects around the country, enhanced by our own research.

CSG deploys TeamCSGSM tools on a SharePoint, cloud-based collaboration platform that is supported by our internal technology organization, CSG Tech.

CSG REALize(SM) mobile


TeamCSGSM Project Management and TeamCSGSM Operational Readiness